Transforming the Built Environment Platform (TBE)
Economically feasible low-carbon solutions for buildings and building technologies
TBE Platform's Key Strategic Priorities
There are several economic opportunities for transforming the built environment: approximately 10% of the Gross Domestic Product and roughly 8% of all jobs are connected to this sector. At the same time, the environmental impact of these activities (40% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gases and 70% of landscape change) suggests there is enormous potential for significant reduction to both long term costs as well as impacts on the environment.
The key strategic priorites of the platform for Business Plan 2014, selected from an assessment of the current market barriers and opportunities are:
Challenge 2: Social, cultural and climate specific technologies. Promote technological solutions which are tailored to specific socio-cultural and climatic conditions.
Challenge 3: Provide test facilities that address the human - technology interface.
Challenge 4: Leveraging commercial opportunities. Enlarge the network for generating critcal mass and aligning efforts in order to facilitate demand-supply connections and create new markets and businesses.
Our Portfolio
TBE Flagship: BTA - Building Technologies Accelerator, focused on reducing time to market for new sustainable building technologies and accelerating business growth by providing a network of Living Labs and the opportunity to perform field test. The concept of BTA is to provide an Open Innovation Ecosystem around Licing Labs (Challenge 1, 2, 3, 4)
Innovation Projects: AHC - Automated Heating Control for reducing energy consumption in buildings (Challenge 2)
Pathfinders Projects: EEPPA - European Energy Peformance of Properties Analysis (Challenge 1, 4) and ReFoMo - Reduced Footprint of Monumental Buildings (Challenge 1)
CMA Projects: LESS - Low Energy Solutions for Shops (Challenge 2, 4)
PHDs: AC/DC (Challenge 2), Heat Exchanger (Challenge 2), Setting specific building materials (Challenge 2)